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Meet Peter
Peter Antonov is a software Entrepreneur,
founder of the upcoming mobile app - Success Panda, as well as a leading marketing expert in the online business & personal development communities. 

In the past he has built one of the leading and most successful Marketing Education companies in the European Union that has served hundreds of thousands of people. He is referred from the public and media as "One of the very few mentors who actually helps people get it”.

His own breakthrough came early in his career. Years before founding his education and software companies he was working as a Corporate Trainer in one of the top Marketing firms on Wall Street in New York City as well as becoming #2 out of 30,000 active affiliates promoting other people's products online. 

He realized that even though "successful" in many people's eyes, he wasn't truly passionate about his work and what he was ultimately giving back to society. 

Customers worldwide would argue this puts him in the unique position of empathy and deep understanding of different people's journeys towards not only achieving their financial goals but living a life of passion both personally and within their business.
Даниела Велинова
Първият Експерт по Антистрес Арт Терапия в България
"Току що завърши моят Уебинар и мина страхотно!
Имаше хора и успях да направя половината от презентацията на Пешо, но съм много доволна и имам 1вата продажбааааааааааааа"
(Here's what some of Peter's clients have to say about him)
Даниела Велинова
Първият Експерт по Антистрес Арт Терапия в България
"Току що завърши моят Уебинар и мина страхотно!
Имаше хора и успях да направя половината от презентацията на Пешо, но съм много доволна и имам 1вата продажбааааааааааааа"

"Peter was really good at breaking down the elements step by step as to what you need to do to create great videos. Something I have been putting off, being a writer and not seeing myself as a video star. He gave me the encouragement and the confidence to move forward and get a lot more visibility using video..." 

Ellen Violette, #1 International Bestselling Author

Thanks to Peter’s Training & Mentorship I was finally able to build my online marketing business, work from home & serve people in different countries. He gave me the confidence to fully transition online & position myself on all social media platforms. Now when people look for me online they see me as an authority. Thank you

Rossi Nacheva, Online Marketer, Trainer & Coach.
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